To apply:
1) return a completed application via e-mail or postal service (address on form);
2) return a letter explaining your reasons and goals for attending; and
3) submit a deposit. Check or money order should be made payable to The Source Within and sent via postal service. Contact us for Venmo or Paypal options (please add 3.735% if using Paypal).
The deposit is non-refundable except in the event that your application is not accepted or the program is canceled. After your application is accepted, we will send further information including directions to our camp, a list of items to bring, and instructions to best prepare for the program. If you are using air transportation, we can provide pick up for up to three people from the Durango and Cortez airports. Space is limited and we encourage early applications. See program page for application deadline. If you live at low elevation (e.g., <4000 feet), see About Us page for information regarding acclimation to our high elevation camp.
There is never a fee for any teaching or ceremony. Donations are necessary to cover operating expenses including land payments, facilities, food, supplies, insurance, fuel, website, and transportation. The donation is also a measure of your commitment to your spiritual path and veneration for the teachings. The deposit is considered part of the total donation.
We use a sliding scale for donations to make our programs as accessible as possible to those in financial stress. Still, there are fixed costs with running these programs, so the deposits will remain as usual. The suggested donation range is intended as a guideline in the context of your financial resources. This article has some useful considerations around the idea of sliding scale donations.
Minimum age 18, younger applicants with parental consent will be considered on a case by case basis.
Drugs and alcohol are not allowed.